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Wild Horses in Black & White


 Message and Purpose

I am no stranger to adversity in life. In fact, when I was young I never could have dreamed that I would be an attorney one day.  Sometimes life has plans that don't always align with our expectations, for better or worse. But one thing is certain, we keep moving. We keep going. 

I have been drawn to helping families since the start of my legal career. During law school I served as the director of a legal practicum/clinic representing victims of domestic violence, sex assault and stalking in civil matters. This is where I was first able to serve families in need. This was where I found the ability to connect with people and bridge the gap in their time of need. Crisis can sneak up slowly or hit us out of the blue. We can find ourselves in legal entanglements that we don't perceive as surmountable, and don't understand.  No one should go through these moments alone. 

I have made it my priority to provide my clients and their families with a unique approach to their family law needs. I have experienced firsthand the challenges that come with divorce and custody matters. Grieving and loss of important persons in our lives, either through death or divorce, is one of the most taxing experiences we may endure. My goal is to explain the legal process in a non-threatening, digestible way. My focus is on assisting clients in obtaining the best outcome possible, not by brute force, but by thoughtful consideration of all the dynamics in a given circumstance. Many of which are not obviously apparent when we are saddled with emotion.


Every action has a reaction, and divorce and family law matters are no exception. There are no cookie-cutter divorces. No two-family dynamics are the same. The children and adults in each household, whether intact or estranged, all deserve a tailored, balanced approach to suit their needs. I ask my clients to maintain a high level of self-accountability.  How we each choose to approach this complex legal landscape will have a direct impact on the outcome.

I serve my clients with compassion and aim at keeping a watchful eye on the "big picture" for families and children. Whether we are faced with complex assets and business interests, high conflict relationships, child endangerment, or a more traditional divorce matter, I work tirelessly to provide my clients with high quality legal representation where my client feels empowered every step of the way. 

Edmonds Law Office, LLC

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